Dec 13, 2023 | Data, School Recognition and Letter Grades
GT Value added (growth) scores for Arkansas SCHOOLS and DISTRICTS for 2017-2023 (Excel)
Oct 3, 2023 | Arkansas Education Reports, School Recognition and Letter Grades
Volume 20, Issue 5 October 5, 2023 This report is the OEP awards for the 2022-23 academic year, highlighting the schools around the state where students are demonstrating the greatest academic growth based on the 2023 ACT Aspire assessments. High-Growth Elementary...
Sep 28, 2023 | Data, School Recognition and Letter Grades
Value added (growth) scores for Arkansas Schools based on 2022-2023 Letter Grade Data (Excel)
Sep 27, 2023 | Other, School Recognition and Letter Grades, The View from the OEP
School letter grades will be released soon, and here at OEP we wanted to share some information about what is included in the school letter grades, and what they mean for Arkansas’s schools and students. Why are schools assigned letter grades? A-F letter grades...
Nov 9, 2022 | School Recognition and Letter Grades
Value added (growth) scores for Arkansas Schools based on 2021-2022 Letter Grade Data (Excel)...
Nov 29, 2019 | School Recognition and Letter Grades
Value added (growth) scores for Arkansas Schools based on 2018-2019 Letter Grade Data...