Key Topics
How does Arkansas School Spending Compare Nationally?
by Josh B. McGee Last week’s blog discussed the sources of Arkansas school funding and some of the basics about how the state’s funding formula works. As a quick review, Arkansas has a student-based funding formula that provides districts with a foundation amount for...
Funding Arkansas’s Schools
by Josh McGee Today’s blog is the first in a series about Arkansas school funding. Our goal is to provide straightforward, data-driven explanations of things like: How the Arkansas K-12 funding system works; How our education funding compares to other states; How the...
Opinion: Frank Solution: A Plan to aid LR’s School District
Sarah McKenzie and Josh McGeeArkansas Democrat-GazetteSeptermber 12, 2019 Frank Solution: A Plan to aid LR's School District (PDF)
2022-23 Freshman Success Reports
This blog is written with Sarah Morris, a Graduate Researcher in OEP and former junior high teacher. Yesterday, we emailed the district-level third annual Freshman Success Reports (FSR) to superintendents. These informational reports include how likely freshmen in...
Arkansas Teacher Retention for the 2023-24 School Year
Today's blog was written by Andrew Camp, Gema Zamarro, and Josh McGee. It summarizes the results of our recent research brief on teacher retention. Teacher retention declined in recent years. During the COVID-19 pandemic, teachers faced intense job-related...
Teacher Salaries Under the Arkansas LEARNS Act
Today's blog was written by Gema Zamarro, Andrew Camp, Josh McGee, Taylor Wilson, and Miranda Vernon. It summarizes the results of our recent research brief on salary changes under the Arkansas LEARNS Act. The LEARNS Act substantially increased teacher pay and...
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College of Education and Health Professions
University of Arkansas