There are 94 private schools in Arkansas that are eligible to accept funds from the state’s new Education Freedom Accounts (EFA). Families who choose to participate in this program have about $6,700 deposited in an online account, which they can use to pay for approved school expenses, such as tuition at one of these approved private schools. The dollars available to parents represent 90% of the base per-student funding given to public schools by the state.
Only certain students are currently eligible to participate in the program, but eligibility expands each year through 2025-26 when the program will be open to all Arkansas students.
For now, one of the groups of students that are eligible to use EFAs is students who attend a school that received an “F” from the state based on student outcomes. Next year, eligibility will be expanded to those students who attended a “D” rated public school.
Here at OEP, we wondered if students currently attending a school that was assigned a “D” or an “F” would have an approved private school nearby. We created this interactive map showing the locations of current EFA-approved private schools, and “D” and “F” rated public schools. Hovering over the markers bring up the name and grades served by the schools.

For many communities, there is no private school option approved to receive EFA funds. Even if there is a private option nearby, each school has the choice about which students, if any, they will admit.
In order to be eligible to receive EFA funds, Arkansas private schools must meet requirements including meeting accreditation requirements from the state board, be in operation for at least one year (or provide documentation of sufficient capital to operate). Private schools must also employee teachers with a baccalaureate degree or equivalent experience and complete background checks like public schools.
Private schools who enroll students using EFA funds are required to annually administer a nationally norm-referenced test approved by the ADE to participating students on an annual basis. These results must be reported to the state.
The state is developing rules and process surround the implementation of EFAs.